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We believe God has called us into a family of families, living life together.


God calls us to grow as His children, encouraging and exhorting one another in discipleship.
As children we serve one another and the world around us.

We do not sit by, but go into all the world, loving and sharing the Gospel wherever God leads us.
Service Times
Sunday School
8:45 am
10:00 am
8:45 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
We are a family of families
Seven Lakes Baptist Church is a family of families. This has moved us to make Small Groups foundational to our community here at the church. One of the most wonderful things about families, though, is children. We love and treasure our children here at SLBC. This is why AWANA is one of our primary events on Wednesday evening, and why we invest so much in VBS each summer. We believe that all believers are called to love and disciple each other, from the adults down to the littlest ones. We would love for your family—whether it's just you or full household—to come join us in what God is accomplishing here in Seven Lakes.